Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

My brother.

Hai. Ini gue.
Gue hari ini mau post tentang salah satu orang paling berharga dalam hidup gue--setelah berabad-abad nggak ngepost--yaitu abang gue.
Iya, kakak gue. Dan dia bahkan bukan kakak beneran. Tapi nggak tahu gimana, dia adalah kakak gue, sahabat gue. dan gue sayang dia. Bukan sayang kayak lo suka sama temen sekelas lo atau kakak kelas atau adik kelas (dih berondong) lo. Tapi ini kayak sayang ke kakak beneran, walaupun dia bukan kakak 'asli' gue. Tapi buat gue, dia selamanya adalah kakak 'asli' gue.

Awalnya waktu gue kelas 6 SD.
Semua orang yang kenal gue, tahu gue pengen banget punya kakak cowok. Terus, entah gimana, jemputan gue mengabulkan permintaan gue.

Waktu itu gue lagi mau naik jemputan. Tiba-tiba gue liat ada anak pake seragam SMP naik dengan muka bete ke kursi depan jemputan gue. Setelah nanya sana-sini, akhirnya gue tau dia anak SMP yang baru pindah. Oh gitu. Selama beberapa minggu ke depan, gue nggak peduli sama sekali akan keberadaan dia, lebih-lebih dia itu cuek banget kayak patung Budha.
Akhir babak satu hubungan gue sama dia.
Terus, suatu hari, buku gue ketuker sama seorang cowok (yang kebetulan gue suka) dan gue diketawain satu jemputan. Surprise, dia ikut ketawa dan ikut ngeledekin gue. Bahkan sampe besoknya.
Beberapa hari berikutnya, gue dan kakak kelas gue berantem sama dia, yang berujung dengan gue nimpuk bahunya pake buku PAI yang tebelnya auzubillahiminasyaitonirrojim. (Sampe sekarang kita masih suka berdebat apa gue ngenain palanya atau nggak.) Tapi dia malah ketawa dan bilang, "Dasar cewek gila!" ke gue.
Dan gue nggak marah.
Gilanya, gue itu galak banget dulu. Tapi gue nggak marah kalo dia bilang gue gila, nggak tahu kenapa. Sejak itu, kita sering ngobrol, bahkan sampe gue masuk SMP yang sama dan dapet partner in crime untuk ngejailin dia. Dia sering lempar-lempar sepatu gue, dan kita berantem hampir tiap hari. Nggak tahu gimana caranya, gue naik pangkat jadi 'adiknya'.
Akhir babak dua.
Dia bisa ngubah gue. Walaupun dia galak dan sok, tapi dia selalu ada untuk gue. Untuk gue, adiknya. Dan gue tahu sebenernya dia baik. Gengsi aja. Dan gue, yang selalu gila, nggak peduli apa kata orang, pede, galak, dan sok nggak pedulian, bisa nangis di depan dia.
Iya, nangis. Cuma di depan kakak gue.
Dia marah kalo ada cowok yang nyakitin gue, dan dia ngelindungin gue. Walaupun gue sering bawel kalo soal kesehatan dia, dan nilai-nilai dia. Sama dia, sisi gue yang biasa gue sembunyiin dari orang lain keluar. Sisi gue yang rapuh, nggak cowok banget, manja, dan lebih lembut. Kita sering digosipin pacaran, padahal nggak. Kita nggak pacaran. Kita adalah--dan akan selalu jadi--kakak-adik.
Gue sayang dia, dan gue harap dia juga sayang gue. Sebagai adeknya, yang biasa nelpon malam-malam kalo ada cowok yang nyakitin dia, dan bokek pulsa mulu.

Dan, bagi cewek yang berani mutusin dia atau nyakitin hati dia, bersiaplah menghadapi adeknya.
Peringatan tambahan: cewek manapun itu, mau dia emak-emak 39 tahun sekalipun (sebentar, ini kayaknya abang gue yang lagi gue omongin, bukan Raffi Ahmad), dia pasti bakal gue hajar. Karena siapapun yang berani nyakitin orang-orang paling berharga di dalam hidup gue harus berhadapan dengan gue.

Gue sayang lo, bro.


Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010

stRapPy cRazY

(Jimmy Choo's Strappy Shoes)

ooh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

straaaaaaaaaapppppppppppyyyyyyy shooooooooooeeeeeeeeeesssssss.

strappy shoes, strappy shoes, strappy shoes.

this year it's such a glam.

You know what I meaan. Strappy shooeees.

Well I do love them. Have I told you lately that I love Jimmy Choo? No? Oh boy. Well, yes I luv him. He's a genious. I mean, look at those shoes!

1. SO modern and hot, those laces symetrically placed and it's awesomely perfect!
Gee, it's not awesome, but it's aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaweeeeeeeeeeesoooooooooooooomeeeeeeeeeee.
I love writing on my blog while listening to Ke$ha and writing about something I loooveeeee.
Especially about styleee.

2. This year's trend is...high heeels! Well it explains those heels. The pure black color sure makes every step of this high-heeled shoes comfortable. It looks modern and anyone who wear this will feels like glamorista (ooh haha). Just one thing: please don't run when you wear these shoes, or you gonna break your ankle and bye bye, high-heeled shoes.

3. This one gonna looks super-fashionable if you wear this in the night. Gonna be the center of the attention, I think? The laces, heels, and clasps also made a harmony on that shoe.
Wear this and you gonna shine.

4. This shoes is a little boyish. This one's not as girlie as the others, you know. I want to wear this from the first time I saw this shoes. Ooh la la. Luv this oneee.

But if I wear this shoes, maybe I'm gonna be so happy that I jumped high to the sky and bumped my head. OUCH.

I just wanna tell you. WEAR THESE SHOES AND YOU GOTTA BE A DIVAA. Maybe I'm just a teenager but I know about fashion, mistress. Maybe I'm a girl, but I'm not an ordinary girl (tee-hee). Naa.

Oops. My mom's calling. Gotta do my homeworks!

Hey, keep stylish, ok? If you don't like high heels, wear flat heels!

Once again, style is being the real you, no matter what fashion says.



Senin, 15 Maret 2010


Uh-oh. Not again.
I was just trying to do my homeworks so I can write on my blog. I REALLY tried and finally I did it! Buuut...guess what? When I opened the Internet, the same writings popped out bothering me. Like this.

'The connection has failed, ma'am.'

Well, of course without the 'ma'am' words. I'm suffering to write here (oh yeah, I really suffered). But, oh God, how I looooveeee Taylor Swift's clothes! I saw her on a magazine and she was ABSOLUTELY cute! I wonder if she has tried wearing oriental clothes. You know, she will looks good in shanghai collars. And she has the most beautiful small eyes I have ever seen. The only thing sometimes I don't like from Tay is her lipstick sometimes too thick. She looks better when she wear lipgloss. I suggest cherry lipgloss for her. Cherry lipgloss isn't too pink or too glossy. Here's my tip for using lipgloss:

1. Choose the perfect lipgloss for you (Cherry: Pale/White skin, Strawberry: Brown skin, Grape: Dark brown skin)

2. Use the lipgloss on your lips. Do NOT using it too much or it'll be too glossy. Use it on the edge of your lips too.

3. Never use a too-glossy lipgloss when you wear thick makeovers, you will look horrible.

Taylor's clothes are PERFECT. She is awesome.
I think she'll look good in scarf, cowboy suits, and boots. Her style is 'good girl, sweet and kind'.
My style ain't.
I am a rebel, gothic, and boyish girl. I wonder how does Taylor looks if she wear something like my style :P. OK then, I wanna try it (tee-hee)

First, wear a black, pure black, tights.
Check. Next?

Second, a wraparound miniskirt. With very dark grey colour.
Okaaaay. And then?

Big belts on, please. Shiny black with silver clasp, and some 'bling' around the clasp.
You're the boss. Now what?

Stacked tank tops, gradation from light grey to dark black. With skulls on the front. Silver and gold.
Wha...are you sure?

No comment. Wear a short, long-sleeved denim jacket, rip it a little.
Oh yeaah. After that?

Black choker with silver butterfly on the center. Big earrings with a difficult pattern. Silver bracelet with cute black charms.
I love this. Keep going.

Wear long punk glove on one hand, and rocker glove on another. Wear a knee-length shiny black boots and a cute purse. The Good Girl Gone Bad is finished!
I'd love to wear it!

That's all. Man...I love doing this. You know, I really love Tavi Gevinson. Maybe someday I can be her partner and best friend!

At least that's what I'm dreaming.

And maybe that cow gonna jump over the moon. :P.

Well, see ya soon!